After work I decided to go buy some fabric for my rainbow quilt I'm going to make for myself. I found some cute cloud fabric for my quilt and tinkerbell fabric for my youngest daughter a skirt.
The cloud fabric is blue, but for some reason the picture turned out purple.
Then I came home and tested out my blocks for a quilt for my grandmother. I really like how they turned out.
Looks like I need better lighting for my pictures. LOL
Then I decided to move to the couch and watch season 1 of Lost. While I was watching TV, I was sewing on my hexagon quilt. It's now a little more than halfway finished.
While I didn't get anything completely finished, I feel like this was a productive FNSI. I have a plan for my rainbow quilt, a plan for my grandmothers quilt, and a few more hexie flowers added to my hexie quilt.
What did you do Friday night?
Oh I adore all the fussy cut fabrics you're using for your hexy quilt. How fun!
And the hummingbird blocks for your grandmother's quilt are gorgeous.
I didn't have any finishes for my FNSI either, but I'm super pleased with my results anyway.
So even without finishes, I'd say you had a successful FNSI.
You did accomplish a lot! And how do you like Lost???
As for my Friday night I played on the computer, did a little crocheting and that was about it!
Beautiful quilts and a warm welcome to the 101ers!!
Wow, I am envious of how much you got done. It's all lovely. Thanks for sharing.
I love the way your hexie quilt is looking. I've been sewing some hexies myself but I still don't know what I'll do with them. Great FNSI!!!
I couldn't comment on your 101/1001 page. I'm glad now, or I wouldn't have seen your lovely quilting. I just wanted to say welcome!
Check out http://vivinfrance.wordpress.com for another great quilter.
Way to go! You got quite a bit done. Love the hexi quilt!
Erica,definitely a very productive FNSI for you. You have some lovely fabrics :-)
I had to finish my very simple project on Saturday but it's still satifying to complete something!
I arrived here after a tipoff from Tillybud, the Laughing Housewife. I just read your 101 list - it says a lot about you as a person and a quilter! Your top pic is not purple on my computer! Your task 53: I love hand sewing, specially hand quilting, but joining strips and stitching on bindings are definitely machine tasks.
I can't wait to see what you do with you rainbow quilt. I still haven't started mine. Thank you for your vote for my jeweled wedding ring quilt. I really appreciate it.
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